Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Hive #6 (Lost cause)

Originally considered a lost cause.  Hive #6 may end up being successful in surviving. The colony seems to have taken to her & she is laying like crazy. Enjoy! =)

Hive #1 Queen

This is Hive #1s queen.  Plenty of honey stores, plenty of pollen for rearing, and plenty of places to lay.  Yet no eggs.  She looks fertile and should be laying like crazy any day now.  =)

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Southwick Hives #1, #2, #3, & #6

So I check Hives #1-#3, & #6. Hive #1 has a queen now & looks healthy yet no eggs yet. My hope is that they will be booming next time I go in. Hive #2 & #3 are doing great & look real healthy.  Hive #6 was considered a lost cause (Captured a small swarm with no queen).  Added a queen & bees & brood.  Now I think they may have a chance.  Sweet!  =)  Thank you Dougie for the pics.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Carniolan queen/ Italian wokers

Can't wait to see what happens next.  Carniolans & Italians!

Chain of life

Chain of life for a bee.  All work together for the greater good and will sacrafice all for 1.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Carniolan Installation

So I am trying a new type of bee (new to me). I installed Carniolan queens in Hive #1 & new hive #6.  They are from of Ohio.  Really nice guy & very helpful.  Hoping this type of bee will make a good fit for MA. 

P.S. Hive #4 has made thier own queen & she is laying like crazy.  Enjoy! =)


Cucumber! They are working this stuff hard. Going to be a good crop this year. =)

Spotted Knapweed

Spotted Knapweed! The bees love this stuff. Some say it's a nuisance, I say give me more. Enjoy! =)

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The Whalley Hive (Hive #2)

This is a good example of a healthy hive.  Capped Brood/Larva in center of the frame, Pollen & Honey stores on the outer parts of the frame.  Got to say he is one uping me with this one.  Deffinently a text book hive.  Guess wisdom does come with time!  Enjoy!  =)

Farm Team "Dougie"

Farm team member "Dougie" picking squash. Honey bees & local bumble bees are working the squash and cucumbers.  Going to be a real good crop this year! Looking forward to it.  Enjoy

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

WPI Farm Team

WPI farm team less Mr. Whalley. Starting left to right: Mr. Dutton "Ron", Dave "Slug", Me "Jake The Snake", Brian "Briant", and Doug "Dougie".  Great working at a machine shop where lunch break becomes walking, tending to the garden, taking care of bees...... Feel very fortunate to be part of this group. =)

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Gorging oneself

When you open a hive sometimes you will break burr comb.  Look at that crystal clear beautiful honey!  Probably clover or sumac honey.  A bee has a natural instinct to gorge themself. Why you ask? #1 reason, they are getting prepared to leave at a moments notice (smoke from a smoker acts like a forest fire, and you are tearing apart thier home), which actually makes them easier to work with. Don't you seem more dosile with a full belly? =)

Wings on display

Beautiful display of wings in action.  Opened Hive #1 & no eggs in sight.  I will give them until the end of the week and if there are no eggs I will have to purchase a queen.  If I do not they most deffinently will parish. =( 
Thank you for the pic Brian & I hope you all enjoy! =)

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Hive #5 queen

This is a pic Amy got of hive #5's queen. Thank you, glad to see them surviving, and hope you enjoy. ;-)

Bear survivors

Hive #5, Which got tore to pieces by a bear. I was able to save the queen and some of the colony. Now they seem to be doing great (dispite what they have been through). Hopefully they will be strong enough to make it through winter.

Hive #4 in Huntington

Went into hive #4 & #5 today. This is hive #4. This colony should be booming, but it is not. Guess I lost the queen some how? No eggs, no larva, no pupa, which means no brood.  I dont get it. It had to have happened when I moved it about 3 weeks ago.

My boss is right, either I am the luckiest bee keeper or the un-luckiest. But I am getting good at making emergency queens. Lol

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Family photo! lol

This is a pic of a worker coming in loaded last Fall.  Brian photo shopped it.  I thought it would be pretty cool if I had a pic on my wall like that. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!  =)